Sodinokibi Ransomware Pushed via Foreclosure Warning Spam

[ June 03, 2019 ] A malspam campaign targeting potential German victims is actively distributing Sodinokibi ransomware via spam emails disguised as foreclosure notifications with malicious attachments which pose as foreclosure notifications. After the Sodinokibi Ransomware is executed, it will run the commands to disable Windows startup repair and to delete shadow volume copies. The... Continue Reading →

Zero-Day Flaw in Windows 10 Task Scheduler Gets Micropatch

[ June 03, 2019 ] An unpatched local privilege escalation zero-day vulnerability in Windows 10 received a temporary patch today. The fix is delivered through the 0patch platform and can be applied on systems without rebooting them. Exploit code is available for this zero-day flaw from researcher SandboxEscaper, who named it BearLPE when she published... Continue Reading →

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